Dealing With a Narcissist Husband: Strategies for Managing Traits and Ensuring Safety

Dealing With a Narcissist Husband: Strategies for Managing Traits and Ensuring Safety

ways to help husband destress after work

Because clutter has a subtle but very real effect on our stress levels, it pays to declutter as regularly as possible. If your home is a haven from stress, it’s easier to let job stress melt away once you get there. We all handle stress in our own unique way, and part of being a supportive partner is figuring out how your partner likes to deal with stress — and then helping them cope in whichever way works best for them. Even though you might wish it were possible to magically melt away your partner’s stress, simply being there to support and listen to them during difficult times will be more than enough to show your love. In a relationship, it’s both unhealthy and unrealistic for one partner to expect the other to “fix” or get rid of their stress, which is why learning how to deal with stress on your own is so important. But even though it’s never your responsibility to help your partner overcome their stress, you still can (and should!) be a pillar of support for your partner to lean on when times are tough.

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You may not be able to remove stress from your partner’s work life, but you can help prevent stress from ruining your relationship. These things may sound selfish when your partner is dealing with so much stress, but you can’t be a loving and supportive partner if you have no how to destress after work energy left. If they aren’t comfortable talking with a therapist or counselor, suggest using a therapy app or online counseling. If your spouse is suffering from work stress, you can help them cope by suggesting that they talk to a professional about what they’re dealing with.

Powerful Exercises That Will Help You Destress After Work (in Under 10 Minutes)

  • Showing your partner love and affection during times of stress can help them feel a little more at ease.
  • Engaging in fun activities with loved ones can provide a much-needed break from work-related worries while strengthening social bonds.
  • Let them know that you see them struggling, validate their feelings, and simply ask what they need.
  • Meditation and mindfulness take practice, but it can make a big difference in your overall stress level as it brings you back to the present.
  • “This could help your partner feel really connected to older memories that didn’t require a ton of energy but can feel relaxing and peaceful,” Autumn says.

When you are able to complete everything on your “to do” list without the stress of rushing or forgetting, your whole life feels easier. Positive self-talk can help you develop a healthier outlook. And an optimistic and compassionate conversation can help you manage your emotions and take positive action. Emotional eating and reaching for high-fat, high-sugar foods can provide a temporary sense of relief that adds to your long-term stress.

ways to help husband destress after work

What Is The Relationship Between Hormones and Anxiety?

Most men go flat-out on their job only to have no energy left when they come home. Their go-to coping mechanisms are a beer on the couch and watching Netflix. That’s about as healthy as snorting asbestos dust from a garbage dumpster.

Connecting with others who can relate to your situation can be reassuring and empowering. In this article, you’ll discover practical strategies to navigate the complexities of living with a narcissist. You’ll learn how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and reclaim your sense of self-worth in a relationship where it often feels overshadowed.

Limit screen time

So whether you’re in a stressful meeting or you’re sitting in a crowded theater, breathing exercises could be key to reducing your stress. Then, practice tightening and relaxing each muscle group, starting with your forehead and moving down to your toes. Sit down and create your ultimate list of must-do activities for the next few years. Include places you want to travel, singers you want to see in concert, festivals you want to attend—anything you dream about that you can do together. Animals give unconditional love to their owners, so taking your dog out to play fetch is guaranteed to be a feelgood experience. Spending time with your partner working on something challenging—that’s a fun challenge—can help you let go of the day’s stress.

ways to help husband destress after work

Things To Do When Your Partner Is Stressed

  • The truth is that his means of relaxing might look different from yours.
  • Or, you might take a few minutes to practice mindfulness, which involves being in the moment.
  • In the coming week, try to really notice your thoughts and habits as you drive home if you’re not already aware of them.
  • It found that the stress we bring home from work isn’t just exhausting; it can also affect our partner’s view of the entire relationship.
  • Stay calm and centered so you don’t inadvertently contribute to his nervousness.
  • Oxytocin is also responsible for boosting emotional intimacy – among a myriad of other great emotional and physical health benefits.

These simple activities will show your partner they are loved and give them less to worry about when they come home. One of the biggest ways you can help your spouse cope with work stress is by making their home-life as positive as possible. We all know that healthy communication is one of the essential characteristics of a healthy marriage. The Journal of Marriage and Family highlights that stress will take a cumulative toll on a marriage, building over time until the relationship is on the brink. I throw spinach in my food processor all the time and my kids never know I’ve added it to dinner.

I noticed my stress lessening and in turn, my husband was gleaning off my peacefulness. I suggest starting with a few of these and if you feel you need marriage counseling or even a family therapist, by all means, do what is best for your family. Practical steps include seeking legal advice, documenting abusive behavior, creating a safety plan, considering restraining orders, protecting finances, and seeking support from hotlines and support groups. When dealing with a narcissistic husband, legal considerations and safety measures play a crucial role in protecting yourself and ensuring a secure environment. Cultivate independence by nurturing relationships, hobbies, and goals outside the marriage.

Write Your Bucket List

Enlisting support can also entail having someone to gently remind you to refocus your thoughts and energy if you start getting bogged down by stressful thoughts of work. If you struggle with knowing how to relax after work, you’re not alone. Just as it helps children relax and go to sleep when they have a bedtime ritual, having a post-work ritual is a great way to help yourself unwind after a stressful day of work. Even better, it can be a way to create a mental habit of relaxing your mind and letting go of job stress after a long day of work.

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ways to help husband destress after work

You can only do so much to help your spouse cope with work stress. If you feel that things are getting out of hand, it may be time to have a serious conversation with your partner. There are still plenty of ways you can boost stress-reducing oxytocin. Studies suggest that stress can reduce sexual desires, which might make getting your partner in the mood a little more difficult than you intended. Sex is a quick way to reduce any stress your partner is bringing home.